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Edward Chisolm

Edward Chisolm works to ensure that all students–especially black males–receive the education that they deserve.


“Always do that which is right because it’s right, and do it the right way!”

The Work

My current social justice work centers on the quality of alternative education in the public school system as it relates to African American males. Black males are suspended and expelled at higher rates than other students which demonstrates that this is a systemic issue. This leads to higher instances of blacks males being overaged for their grade, lower high school graduation rates, and consequently higher dropout rates. We need to ensure that the system is fair to all students. We must also ensure that all students-especially black males-receive the educational and social services within our public schools that is mandated by the constitution.

Edward Chisolm

Inspirations and Influences

I have been working on these issues in Savannah for nearly 30 years. The individual and community level devastation that racial discrimination has caused is inspiration enough! But if I had to choose one person, it would be the former Mayor, Dr. Otis S. Johnson who has helped me, inspired me, and mentored me over the years. I love and thank him for his friendship and guidance.


Each and everyday of your life, do your best and God will do the rest. We are in partnership with God. In every situation, He has a part to play and we have a part to play. God is not going to do our part and we can’t do His part! Remember, you and God make a majority.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8

Field: Holistic Youth Development


Articles Written By Edward Chisolm:

Saving Our Children: A Civil Rights Issue!

The Art of OSS (Out of School Suspension)! 

WHATEVER IT TAKES: Black Males in the Cross Fire Again!


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