Dion Bullock is addressing racial injustice in the New York educational system
Always be willing to cultivate the next generation. None of these issues will realistically be solved in our lifetimes. Instead, use your experience as an opportunity to train others.
The Work
Currently, I am a Team Tutoring Coordinator at Achievement First, Inc. working within the intersection of community engagement and education. The achievement gap between low-income urban students and their peers has been called the “civil rights issue of this generation”. Coming from this same background, I am working to both provide equal educational opportunities for all and cultivate agency in these communities. My ultimate goal is to dive into education reform and help create a better institution for future generations.
Inspirations and Influences
My experiences as a minority within high school and college have inspired my activism. I learned early and often that I was responsible for my voice. I was accountable for my success. I’ve been influenced by my mentors—college professors and upperclassmen. They have always been willing to listen and talk with me through any issues.
“The dictionary teaches us that struggle always come before success.” – Anonymous
Field of work: Anti-Racism, Education Reform, Community Engagement
Email: mr.dionbullock@gmail.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dion-bullock/17/988/758